Stop Being A Catherine Wheel – Its Wrecking Your Focus
So in honour of Fireworks night (I do like a little bit of seasonal chatter and marketing don’t you?) I’ve been working with a lot of clients recently who know what they should be doing but aren’t getting down to it. And then there are those very busy business women who have so many opportunities…
Especially For You Business Women Who Can’t Achieve Quick Enough & Get Annoyed
Okay so let’s stand back from your business for a minute. Take a big step back. Because in my experience business women tend to think an awful lot about their business but rarely create the space to truly think about their business. What they want to achieve? Why? Why does it matter? For whom? What’s…
Ladders – What Are They, Why Should You And How Do You Take Part?
I’d pinged about a ladder I like on Facebook and then I got the above question from another fabulous business woman. The idea of ladders is that you find a ladder and within the set time frame (usually a day through to about 11pm) you add your details to the ladder. The idea being that…
Seeing Red Can Mess With Your Head
(And the success of your day!) Have you ever had one of those days were you wake up and you see that pair of socks that your child has been leaving at the door for many years, but today’s the day you see red. Or your partner doesn’t shut the kitchen cupboard properly and instead…
Do you treat your business like Valentine’s Day?
A good thing or a bad you ask, right? Valentines comes around once a year, and once a year you are expected to get lovey dovey cats eyes, think about your loved one, shower them with affection, and your time and energy. But hang on for just one day of the year? I have been…
Coaching – A waste of time or a god send for your success?
On T.V from makeover shows to personal finance programmes there’s a coach. They’re giving advice and top tips in your favourite glossy, and from sports stars and celebrities to sole traders and International Corporations people have heard if you want to be the best then get a coach. You may ask if this is an…
I don’t have the time or Money to Market my business…
If I had a £1 for every time I had heard the above statement, I would be a very rich little bunny. However I don’t so I make sure my marketing brings in the customers. You see an effective marketing strategy WILL deliver leads, and if you are getting quality leads then guess what that…
Be Nice! or The Art of Selling
Last year when I was seriously ill and living in bed, my rather lovely hubby said we needed a new mattress…..ok less of the smutter ladies! The only way to shop when ill is to speed shop, that means be mega organised and only look at anything once. So in less than an hour I think…