Have you ever wanted to write a book?
Have you ever wanted to write a book?
Get known as an expert in your field?
Get speaking engagements because you are that awesome?
(Maybe you think this is beyond the realms of possibility?)
In September 2016 I was approached by the UK’s leading non fiction publishers to write a book.

A TV celebrity, author and international coach helped launch my book next door to the Savoy on the 10th floor overlooking London in all it’s glory.
TV Celebrity, Strictly Judge and International LA Coach Camilla Sacre Dullerup gave me rave reviews as did many international authors, business leaders and coaches.
I’ve got pictures of people with my book all around the world and even with TV Celebrity Kirsty Alsopp!
That launch led to speaking engagements for WH Smith’s, The NHS and Virgin Care to name just a few.
Fight the fear became Pearson’s Publishers top Travel retail books and was in airports around the UK for over 2 years!
Fight the fear led to so many new clients, speaking gigs and opportunities (most of which I would never have dreamed of!) that I can’t list them all.
It’s sold in 5 languages and it turns out you can buy my book in a bookstore in South Africa – I know this because there are some big Mandie Holgate fans out there.
My latest book Taking Control Of Your Mind has a foreword written by the CEO of Lifehack, an online publication with 150 million readers around the world, Leon Ho AND a foreword from top Forbes, Inc, Huffington Post writer Gordon Tredgold.
As a child I dreamed of becoming a published author and I now have 5 books to my name!
If I told you that I lacked confidence so much I rarely thought I was good enough for anything. Discovering I was an amazing coach was awesome, but I feared I’d never be able to help as many people as I’d like because I just couldn’t get out there and talk about the work I was doing. I want to share with you how to become the right level of confidence (clear of arrogance) hone your self belief and faith in the fact you are good enough and help you achieve things you never thought were possible.
In my latest course I want to share with you how to get asked to write a book. (I was asked to write my first book by the UK’s leading nonfiction publishers and it wasn’t luck that made that happen. I did and I will share how you can do that too!)
I will teach you how to get amazing results from writing a book too!
In this course you will learn;
- Why it’s important to know the aims of your book – what do you want it to do for you, your readers, your career and your goals?
- How to create the time to write a book.
- What to do before you start writing.
- Why your life can sap your motivation to write a book and how to overcome it.
- When to self publish (and when to get help.) Pros and Cons of self publishing.
- How to engage with publishers and what they will expect from you (and it’s not just a manuscript!)
- How and why to establish your audiences (and the big mistakes first time writers make.)
- How to promote your book and become a thought leader for your area of expertise/passion.
- How to structure your book.
- How to overcome writers block FAST!
And if you lack the confidence to believe you have something really powerful to say. Check out my confidence building course too. I’ve had so many amazing reviews for my courses because they are jammed packed full of facts and strategies that I know work.
I want you to get to that stage in your career/business where you realise you are an uber awesome person and that you have something very valuable to share with the world. My courses, books and coaching are all designed to help you tap into who you really and get the results in your personal and professional life you really want and deserve.
Let me know how you get on. And do join my confidential mastermind group where I’m always giving free coaching, mentoring, advice and ideas too. It’s only £5 a month. Learn more here.