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How to build a mental health tool kit.

A mental health tool kit is essential and not just for those that suffer from mental health illnesses or repeated low moods. Everyone on the planet should have one!

For myself because I have Lupus I experienced a bout of depression in 2018 that caused anxiety too (not as bad as I experienced 17 years ago, however I feared what could happen.) Therefore I created a list of the things that I know make me feel good.

Remember when you start doing the things you usually love but don’t seem to enjoy now, it won’t feel good, but keep going anyway. It will work!

Monitor how you feel. Give it a score out of 10. ie 1 means “I’m feeling very low and my depression feels really bad” and 10 means “I feel really happy and like life’s great!” which helps you to appreciate and understand what works and what’s not and what impacts on you too.

I’m currently mentally healthy, resilient and have strong emotional intelligence and it is in part down to this process and monitoring my mood, emotions and feelings to ensure I’m doing what I need to stay that way. Looking after everyone else and not you is not going to work.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

Building your tool kit today ensures when life feels tough you can look at your own version of this infographic and think “Right, what am I going to do?”

  1. “What do I need to think?”
  2. “What would usually make me smile?”
  3. “How would I like to feel?”

Please note I’m not a qualified counsellor and do not directly deal with depression or other mental health illnesses, although I can support you along side working with a therapist. This works very well for some of my clients who need to keep a check on their mental health and emotional intelligence because they appreciate how it can impact on their personal and professional success too.

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fight the fear mandie holgate

Buy my life changing books here

I’m so honoured to learn that my books are not only helping people achieve more and overcome lifelong fears , it’s helped people overcome anxiety, go back to work, overcome depression and negativity and genuinely make a difference. I get stories about the power of my books for mental health all the time, yet these beautiful messages remain confidential to respect my readers, I will just share one (that I’ve permission to share)

“Thanks to you and this book, I’m flying high like I never have before.

(Yes that quote did make me cry!)

taking control of your mind

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