The Power of Social Media (It includes free chocolate!)

This week I received in the post 24 chocolates to take me up to Christmas in the form of a nifty little marketing tool of a Advent calendar.

What is impressive, is that its a gift from a business woman that I have supported and sent work her way and connected her to people and yet we have never ever met.

We have only met online and yet Sabina feels like a business woman I’ve known for years. I know how many children she has, I’ve shared in her massive success, we’ve talked challenges we face as busy business women, and I’ve watched her business grow in the last few months. (You’ve got to remember I’ve only been back to work 3 months).

And its already a real pleasure to get emails and correspondence in any format from her.

Why do I tell you this?

Firstly because great online networking means that I really trust Sabina, because we have both backed up with good follow up, genuine interest in each other and doing what we say will do.

Secondly it means that as I get busy again in 2014 if I intend to use a VA, who am I likely to use?

Thirdly I got free chocolate folks!

You see good social media marketing creates more than just connections and the chance to make a sale, it creates lasting connections with business women who make me smile and who I adore seeing doing brilliantly.

Thank you Sabina, from Sabina VA Business Management Support for SMEs – its really appreciated.

And to prove it, here is a link to Sabina Hinchcliffes website, pop by and get involved in her social media too, you won’t regret it.

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