Getting In The Media (The Easy Way!)
I often get asked how I make it look so easy to get in the media for both myself and my clients, as many of you seem to really struggle.
So here is my quick tip guide to getting lots of lovely free media attention, and a genuinely good tool to add to your marketing production line.
This is also works well to make you a expert of choice for radio stations. I’ve a number of clients who are regularly called on to speak on their area of expertise on 5 Live, The World Service, BBC Radio 4, and local radio stations – you can imagine how good that is for business!
- Journalist are Mega busy and up against dead lines so they need you to make life easy for them. Your email has got to jump out at them, because the fact is they get a lot of businesses who talk about their business, so how will your subject line grab their attention? which leads me into tip 2…
- It has to be relevant and interesting. Okay so what you do for a living you are positively passionate about, but that doesn’t make it news worthy. Ask yourself “Would the general public be interested in this?”.
- Find the story. Everyone has an angle, you need to work out what yours is. Don’t know it? I can help you find it, I’ve done it time and time again for my clients! So ask “Yourself what is our angle?”
- What is in the news? What news stories can you have an opinion on? Local press always need good sources to quote. Look at how to get known and used for these. Again I’ve done this a lot and its leads me into tip 5.
- Be useful to the media. I’ve built up a great rapport with local and national journalist and the media. Ultimately I appreciate how busy they are, so I won’t forward them every press release I get sent (I’ve got my own work to do too!) so you need to look to build good relationships (as you do in all areas of your business) so that you are a natural person they turn to.
- It has to be a win win situation – think what could be useful for them, rather than “I want my name in print.”
Well that is just a taster folks to get you going, but I hope that helps. Getting in the press has led to some fantastic opportunities for me even national TV and going to the Home Office, so I strongly urge you to get your business in the news!