3 O’s – overworked, overwhelmed and overloaded

You don’t need to be presenting signs of the 3 O’s to be not working as productively as you could. Performing to an exceptional standard requires you to constantly consider what you are doing, why you are doing it, what it will give to you and what results you want to see as a result.

The pandemic has made many question “Is this the best way?”

One team I worked with were able to reduce absenteeism to 0% thanks to the strategies we put into place. They started to see an improvement after our first 3 hour session. The knock on long term effect was that many team members said they felt far more in control of their role and like their voice was heard.

The management team said that they found their teams came to them with ideas and solutions, rather than problems and concerns. It made performance so much better and didn’t take a lot of work, because we concentrated on the individual and their needs and how that was to work along side the organisational needs and results. When you understand how you think, you can understand how you act and the results you get.

Improve the quality of your thoughts and emotions and you improve your actions and results – it sounds simple but it takes a bit more than that to understand the science of the way you think and it’s implications for you, your team and your business.If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain chain bracelet and cuffs.

Whatever your budget I’ve a way of supporting you and your team to work smarter.

If you are considering the 4 day week, just adjusting what hours your team work is not going to be enough.

This is an opportunity to really consider your mission, your values, your culture, your outcomes and the way you want your team to feel every day that they work for you.

Increasingly in the UK the cost of rehiring is around £11,000 per member of staff so this is not just about happy teams and the implications of this on your organisations success, it’s also about profit.

This is a brief slideshow of the key strategies I utilise with teams around burnout, performance, productivity and the 3 O’s.

Every training session, speaking engagement and coaching session is tailor made to you and your team and what you are working on. This ensures results fast.

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