If you want more sales, focus & results – this will work in 6 weeks!
6 week online course for busy business women wanting more sales & focus[/caption]
6 week online course for busy business women wanting more sales & focus[/caption]
People look at me and think “Wow, she’s mega confident” what they don’t know is that I wasn’t. I used to be very shy and naturally I am a shy person, who while loving company and conversation would freeze up in social situations and could easily make an excuse to not go out. I can…
Can you really manifest anything you want? If you’ve ever read about manifesting what you want in life (bear with me) or books like The secret you will know in principle you can bring anything into your life that you want. Rhonda Bryne writes “Close your eyes and visualize having what you already want –…
I often get dragged into debates about why do we need a woman’s only network in the 21st century since I founded The Business Womans Network 11 years ago. My first response is businessmen are very welcome and attend every month. Then I get asked so why not change the name? While I’m a confident…
So many of us get distracted by new ideas and opportunities and what can be even more scary is we often don’t even notice that! Clients may start coaching with me to fix a problem, grow a career or business or to build confidence however they stick around as retained clients because I keep the…
An interesting little question that I helped a client create this week has had massive levels of impact on their chosen thoughts and actions and as result impacted on their performance. It is like a little algorithm that I’ve found working on myself and other clients too. It is this; “If I choose to drop…
Of all the things that are big obstacles to success. I think the one that is the most frustrating for clients (rather than scary or stressful) is when The Shiny Thing Syndrome hits. Don’t know The Shiny Thing Syndrome? The STS (Shiny Thing Syndrome) is when you are working towards your goal and then a…