Strategies to start your working week with – that power you to the weekend!

Strategies to start your working week with – that power you to the weekend!

1. Proactive not reactive Stop doing the thing you see first on your laptop/phone. Stop starting the day with what everyone else wants to tell you (i.e., email). This makes your day reactionary not proactive. You may have a job that requires you to know what everyone else needs but get savvy about this (see…



As a coach I’ve seen a lot of trends in people’s needs over the years. As you can imagine thanks to the pandemic it’s been increasingly around supporting teams and businesses around agility, performance and productivity but fast on their heels are overwhelm, overloaded and overworked – or as I call it The 3 O’s….

£5 billion in avoidable sick days – 10 ways to avoid the true cost of burnout

£5 billion in avoidable sick days – 10 ways to avoid the true cost of burnout

According to Indeed (1) burnout is on the rise with 80% of those asked saying Covid had made burnout worse. The cost to business is around £5 billion with 43% of all sick days in the UK alone due to burnout. In business it is likely to cause; Absenteeism. Mistakes. Disgruntled staff. Poorly performing teams….

Intro into – How to Control the uncontrollable.

Intro into – How to Control the uncontrollable.

In my first article for The Human Resources Report I outline how to control the uncontrollable. In a time before elections, Brexit and pandemics we still had a global issue impacting on the world’s economy; Stress.A WHO led study estimated that depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion each year in lost productivity….