how to sell in an email and follow up strategy

The Power Letter – The perfect why us letter – how to sell on many levels

Many businesses make the mistake of looking for new customers before they engage with existing connections and past customers, however if you are talking to them on social media and sending out a newsletter and maybe networking once in a while what more can you do to get them back on board and buying from you?

With many clients I help them send out the perfect “Why Us” letter.

A one page, no waffling letter that enables new connections and warm relationships to turn into leads, new business, repeat business and up-scaling products and services, it also helps ensure you are remembered and on your target audiences radar for when they are ready to buy.

Be mindful that you must have a joined up approach to your marketing, here are some exampales of what could damage that;

  • A great website with no new content is going to let you down.
  • A great social media presence with no call to action or low cost intro offer is going to risk sales.
  • A great networking ethos but a lousy follow up is going to damage your results.
  • A poor follow up strategy with a great online presence is not going to result in automatic sales.

My experience with coaching businesses is that they are often doing many of the right things but there are missing links in their approach that don’t include the companies needs, the planned growth (or lack of clear goals for the company and team) or planned outcomes and that damages results.

Therefore start by looking at your sales funnel and ensuring you actually know who your target audiences are. These course can help you get that in order fast –

When you know you are saying the right things to the right people then you can use the power letter to get in the door and create a great sales funnel and build a powerful positive relationship.

I see this work well with companies who create a power letter, then they have a strategy that means they email them one week later after the initial letter and then phone 4 days after that. Your strategy for follow up on your Power Letter will be unique to you. And will need to match;

  • Your time allowances.
  • Your admin needs.
  • Your marketing strategy.
  • Your products and services.
  • Commitment to other customers.
  • Current capacity.

I have seen clients who now have a 60% conversion rate on power letters with people asking to do a number things as a result of the Power Letter;

  1. Can we work together?
  2. Can you add us to your mailing list please?
  3. We are tired into a contract right now can you call us in 6 months?
  4. Can you send us a written copy of your Power letter so we can come back to this at a later date?
  5. Can you tell us more?
  6. We aren’t sure how this would work for us so we are going to keep in touch if that’s okay?

And here is how your write your own;

P is for Power title

No one is going to open or read your email unless it has a title that really connects and hooks your target audiences (can you see why you need to do the finding your niche audiences? It really focuses your mind on to finding the right audiences for what you say and the way you say it.)

Think of the issues that new customers say when they first call. Those words and emotions need to come across in your opening power title. A word of caution, most businesses make the mistake in communicating using their terminology and not the language a customer would use.

You may see it as a “this process works” and you are proud of it way of communicating, where as your target audiences don’t care about the process, they care about results and that will be around the areas of;

  • Easy to achieve.
  • Low cost.
  • Make money.
  • Save money.
  • Stop us breaking the law and risking a fine.
  • Higher profits.
  • Less sickness.
  • Less turn over of staff.
  • Less chance of selling a kidney because business isn’t working.
  • Better looking body.
  • loving the home you are in.
  • Feeling confident. etc, etc.

Get the power in your title with emotion and the pain clients experience.

O is for Obstacle.

When you’ve ensured they want to read your email it has to then pull them into the email. So the next step is to really hone in on the issues they face. When I do this with clients we tend to have 3 to 5 bullet points that that customer is probably facing. Something like;

  1. Did you know companies with a formal training programme are 91.2 % likely to meet their sales quota.
  2. 75% of companies admitted they waste resources and finances on in-house coaching.
  3. Without follow up training your team could lose out on 80 to 90% of what they learned in training within a month and damage future results.
  4. Companies that combine Training with Coaching lead to an increase of 88% in productivity, vs. 23% from training alone.

(Including stats and facts rams the point home and it can be good to add where your stats are from.)

W is for What we did

This is still a short paragraph or 3 to 5 bullet points. Remember this person is not in love with your company yet and they need to know how you actually achieve something they currently feel is impossible to do. Make it succinct and very relevant to their perceived issues. Ensure you use the words that are likely to feature in a customers reasons for saying No. ie,

“It takes less than 2 hours and £200 to be compliant and save fines starting from £400.”

This tells customers it is quick (they may assume it will take up lots of their time) and it’s affordable, less than the fine (which tells them it is a no brainer in cost and results.)

E is for End Result

This again is short, the whole Power Letter needs to look good on an A4 piece of paper with plenty of space so it is easy to read. So concisely explain what results the company got, ie:

–              Reduced absenteeism by 40%.

–              Every KPI for 90% of the company was achieved.

–              Increase profit margins by 30% within 6 weeks.

Don’t waffle. Consider what matters to the potential client.

R is for Reaction You Want

A mistake I see people make a lot is they write great content or share great ideas but they don’t lead people in the direction they want them to go in!

Don’t forget to finish your Power Letter with a clear call to action. I’ve seen clients do this with a choice of calls to actions too. Ie

  • If this is of interest to you (and let’s be honest if you’ve written we can help you increase your profit margins by 40% in just 10 hours of your time within 6 months, they aren’t likely to be uninterested are they?) then reply to this email or give us a call.
  • You may not be ready to sign up just yet, but if you are interested in what we could do for you then sign up to our newsletter here.
  • We will call you in 2 days time to hear what you think of how we can help your company. We aren’t going to sell at you, just follow up on our email.
  • We have some guidance and white papers on our site around this topic for you to help yourself to, all free.

A power letter can be about creating new sales with just one email however it is more likely to be the way to open the door to build relationships and gain a lot more than just a one off sale.

As always if this is of benefit to you, let me know.
If you want more ideas email or message me and I will create them for you.

And if you benefit from the Power letter a donation would make this blogger very happy. Thank you, let me know what results you get.

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