How To Take Action (Works For Daughters as Well As Busy Business Women.)

On the school run today, my daughter and I got chatting about the work she has to complete.

She does tutoring and has school homework, as well as other things to prepare for different clubs she likes to do. I know that naturally (looking at this mornings progress!) that she will gravitate to doing the prep for her clubs rather than her tutoring, and lets be honest us busy business women can slip into the same kind of patterns can’t we?

Its all too easy to do the things that are easy. To do the things we enjoy doing, but how do you take action (that gets results) on things you know are going to be tough, challenging or require more effort than normal?

Here’s the top tip’s I shared with my daughter to take action (even when you don’t want to);

(And for the record she is sat next to me taking targeted action – so I know these work!)

Firstly power up your reason why – It’s not good enough to know it needs to happen, and you are the one that needs to do it. Find your gut instinct, your deep to the core of your being reason why its got to happen and you’re the one that’s go to do it. And when you know that….

Visualise the targeted action working – Even if you don’t know how you are going to get the job done, visualise, see, hear, feel that it has worked. See yourself sat there at the end of the completed task, thinking “Yes, I did it!”

My daughter struggles to not get distracted (and I’m not saying us business women ever suffer from that right?) If you find that’s you too, then once you have your clear end result visualised, ask yourself what needs to happen for me to get that result? Write a list. Talk it through out loud to another person or even to yourself to really get the answers you need.

Reward yourself – If my daughter gets her work done tonight, I’ve promised I will take her to see her Grandparents tomorrow for a play date. Dad is an even bigger kid than me so it will be a great time for us all. (Wow, I think that’s making me work harder too. What an added bonus!) How will you reward yourself for your success?

The right environment for the right action – I can work anywhere. But my daughter is not like that. So she has kept her school uniform on. As she pointed out “Mummy these are my work clothes and if I stay in these clothes I will work as hard as I do at school.” She has also chose to sit in the office with me, so that she is in my work environment and rely on me to spur her on. Which leads me on to my last top tip….

Who will motivate you into action? I know that posting it on Twitter or Facebook will make me take action. Because as far as I’m concerned my word is my honour. Credibility is critically important to business women and so if I tell you I’m going to do something on social media and I don’t I’ve undermined me. Now I could never let THAT happen! Thus action happens. What and / or whom would motivate you?

And if you don’t know. Just post your “AAAAA I’m not motivated” Posts to my Facebook page and I will give you the rocket of motivation you need. Click here to get to my Facebook and get movitated



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