Time Management – how to prioritise & stay disciplined to make money and grow your business

Time Management – how to prioritise & stay disciplined to make money and grow your business

This is a simple planner that will help you consider your choices of activities and tasks and what they are doing for (or against) your goals and ambitions. You can download this version here or create your own. Do the titles for each box match up to your values and what you want? If not…

Intro into – How to Control the uncontrollable.

Intro into – How to Control the uncontrollable.

In my first article for The Human Resources Report I outline how to control the uncontrollable. In a time before elections, Brexit and pandemics we still had a global issue impacting on the world’s economy; Stress.A WHO led study estimated that depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion each year in lost productivity….

Corona virus and working from home – how to stay motivated, productive and achieve more!

Corona virus and working from home – how to stay motivated, productive and achieve more!

For sole traders, freelancers and micro businesses working from home is no new thing, however we are likely to see a massive increase in the need to work from home and while it sounds heavenly to wear what you like, stroke the dog and work the way you want to, it rarely works like that…

You, Your team and time management – how to achieve more every day.

You, Your team and time management – how to achieve more every day.

Not getting as much done as you would like? Please don’t read another book. Please don’t write another list. In my experience and I’ve helped individuals, mums, CEO’s, teams of 10 and teams of 200+ to achieve more and even apps aren’t enough! You need to go back to the beginning. As a coach people…

How to actually have a holiday – guilt free, phone off, not overloaded on your return!

How to actually have a holiday – guilt free, phone off, not overloaded on your return!

This time of year our social media is awash with golden beaches, azure blue pools and half naked friends on holiday in locations around the world. While I adore sharing your moments and feeling your happiness I am a bit confused. Why are you not actually on holiday? It’s a bit like business owners and…

Are you really professional? Professionalism and your success. (Warning: Not for the faint hearted)

Are you really professional? Professionalism and your success. (Warning: Not for the faint hearted)

Okay so this is a difficult one, and I’ve been sitting on the edge of writing this for about 2 years. But since it’s at a near critical level I’d better mention it. A lack of professionalism is killing many people’s success. There I said it. People think they are professional but in the last…

Latest article for Life Hack – How to Stop Racing Thoughts When Your Mind Won’t Let Up

Okay I doubt a single coaching client comes to me and says “Mandie can you stop the racing thoughts, its like there’s a crowd in here!” However whether it’s coaching someone to over come a life long fear, helping them deal with an challenging team member, build their confidence, process adversity and keep going or…