£5 billion in avoidable sick days – 10 ways to avoid the true cost of burnout

£5 billion in avoidable sick days – 10 ways to avoid the true cost of burnout

According to Indeed (1) burnout is on the rise with 80% of those asked saying Covid had made burnout worse. The cost to business is around £5 billion with 43% of all sick days in the UK alone due to burnout. In business it is likely to cause; Absenteeism. Mistakes. Disgruntled staff. Poorly performing teams….

Intro into – How to Control the uncontrollable.

Intro into – How to Control the uncontrollable.

In my first article for The Human Resources Report I outline how to control the uncontrollable. In a time before elections, Brexit and pandemics we still had a global issue impacting on the world’s economy; Stress.A WHO led study estimated that depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion each year in lost productivity….

Stress Free Guide to Exams – Works on anyone looking to achieve more at stressful times too!

Stress Free Guide to Exams – Works on anyone looking to achieve more at stressful times too!

As I sit next to my snoozing poorly daughter who has another migraine (In the hope we can starve it off) I want to talk about stress and its impact on your success. The irony is that my gorgeous girl used to have a 3 to 8-day migraine every month until she started on Tessellate…