10 steps to winning difficult conversations — the ones you really don’t’ want to have!

Whether it’s confronting your boss, a member of staff, your Mum, your child’s teacher or the plumber who promised to finish the shower 2 weeks ago, difficult conversations aren’t easy. I’ve coached thousands to have those icky conversations that you put off. Here’s your quick guide on how to have those tough conversations, get the result…

All doom and gloom

All doom and gloom

I remember as a child being told “Mandie Timns you ‘re all doom and gloom!”. I was always Mrs Happy, Positive I love life or Mrs Oh no the worlds’ ending. (That’s why I know we can all change, because I have!) As a child I loved Lost in Space and the sad robot was…

Honesty Is Not The Best Policy

Words you wouldn’t expect to hear from a business woman whose father taught her never lie. As Dad always says; “Never lie, with a thief you know they will always try and steal from you, with a liar you never know where you stand.” It’s a rule I’ve always applied to my life and every…