let’s be honest
People wanting coaching need to be honest, so I’m going to be honest too.
I don’t write lots of newsletter because people wanting help in any aspect of their personal and professional life, for themselves or their team, tend to just call, message me on a social media platform or email me.
When I do get in touch it’s only with useful information, ideas to help
So let’s chat
+44 (0) 1206 381482
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Pigeon*…
I promise;
- To never spam you.
- Keep it short because I know how hugely busy you are!
- Respect your inbox and not get in touch too often – just often enough to motivate, inspire and ensure you get the success you deserve!
*I don’t really have a pigeon but if you send one I promise to reply and feed them well.
Don’t miss out! Sign up to hear what publications I’m writing for, speaking engagements you can attend & top tips for you & your organisation
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Get Mandie’s New Book!
Fight the Fear: How to beat your negative mindset and win in life
Fight the Fear will help you get the results you want by helping you to overcome your fears one step at a time. In short, easy-to-read, jargon-free chapters, you’ll discover proven strategies, skills and tools to help you deal with typical situations we all dread such as saying no, appearing confident without being arrogant, asking for what you want, public speaking and picking up the phone. Don’t miss out on life’s big opportunities, now you can manage your fear so it doesn’t restrict you – there’s nothing you can’t handle.
Work with me now!
Copyright 2018 Mandie Holgate