Intro into – How to Control the uncontrollable.

Intro into – How to Control the uncontrollable.

In my first article for The Human Resources Report I outline how to control the uncontrollable. In a time before elections, Brexit and pandemics we still had a global issue impacting on the world’s economy; Stress.A WHO led study estimated that depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion each year in lost productivity….

Stress Free Guide to Exams – Works on anyone looking to achieve more at stressful times too!

Stress Free Guide to Exams – Works on anyone looking to achieve more at stressful times too!

As I sit next to my snoozing poorly daughter who has another migraine (In the hope we can starve it off) I want to talk about stress and its impact on your success. The irony is that my gorgeous girl used to have a 3 to 8-day migraine every month until she started on Tessellate…

I can’t do it!

I can’t do it!

There are times in our lives when we feel like we can’t do it. Panic sets in. Fears escalates. Confidence takes a nose dive and we question our actions, our thoughts and even ourselves. When you feel that level of overwhelm it can be hard to know how to go on. “I’m not good enough”…